Finally found

There's a new song called, "Finally found" by Late night alumni.

"you know you'll always say you wanted it instead, saying I'm finally found."

"I hear your heart beating faster, but I'm unclear on what you're after. You give me no reason, I shouldn't say goodbye."

I went to Beyond wonderland and I had so much fun. More fun compared to Tao but Tao was also way too crowded. I was so fasinated with the music pulsing through my veins, my heart. It seemed like life was just so beautiful and I LOVED the drum&base. I even met this cool random girl there that later found me on fb.

and life never felt so good, when everything is simple. When laughter and love is in the other end. Music never felt so good, I am really learning to appreciate dance music. I actually danced the night away for the very first time.

I changed who I was because I thought it would make me seem stronger, I realized a lot of lessons were learned and I needed to learn them myself. I am weak, but I'm a nice, genuine, caring and loving person. I think apart of me has always been scared to become vulnerable and plain so I tried hard to become someone I'm not. I tricked many, even myself... I changed to someone I wasn't happy with, too many games not enough heart. Where did my heart go? Where did I go? I finally feel though, my heart is back.

and maybe, just maybe there will be someone that can appreciate who I am. If it doesn't kill you, it only makes you stronger. Step my step, inch by inch... I will be closer.
When every word, every plead, every action doesn't work, i'm not sure what does.
Should I throw down my towel and give in?

When all the resulted memories have resentment.
When the special memories seem so far away and I end with the cold facts.

If love doesn't solve problems, what does?

I'm suppose to be a person who finds love important, who takes it much more seriously. Life is too short at the moment and duties call.


I am literally torn over two people.

the vicious cycle never ends.

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